→ Legal advice on a diverse range of corporate local or international contracts.
→ Distribution and agency agreements.
→ Supply agreements.
→ Service contracts.
→ Financial agreements.
→ Guarantee agreements.
→ Confidentiality agreements.
→ Legal advice on a diverse range of corporate local or international contracts.
→ Distribution and agency agreements.
→ Supply agreements.
→ Service contracts.
→ Financial agreements.
→ Guarantee agreements.
→ Confidentiality agreements.
→ Public opening and closing of companies.
→ Issuance and public offers of securities.
→ Expertise in regulatory processes (CVM, B3, BACEN).
→ Operationalization of foreignl investments.
→ Advice in compliance in the areas of anticorruption, labor and tax.
→ Review of agreements and clauses related to compliance practices and obligations.
→ Review and implementation of codes of conduct, policies and procedures.
→ Trainings and lectures; conducting or coordinating investigations.
→ Construction agreements for residential and commercial projects.
→ Construction agreements and operation of industrial warehouses, logistics, shopping centers and hotels.
→ Architecture and design agreements.
→ Building development, implementation, incorporation and management agreements.
→ Production of documents for maintaining the routine operation of companies.
→ Corporate reorganizations.
→ Incorporation and extinction of companies.
→ Prevention of conflicts between partners.a
→ Solutions for compliance with data protection applicable laws, including mapping of processing operations, analysis of gaps, implementation of preventive measures and actions for compliance with the law.
→ Legal advice in support of the roles of DPO and privacy committees.
→ Preparation of data protection impact assessment, internal policies and terms of use.
→ Contracts in connection with data protection.
→ Advice for response to authorities and data subject requests.
→ Opinions on existing or potential litigation.
→ Strategic advice.
→ Conflict mediation.
→ Extrajudicial and judicial agreements. a
→ Idealization of structures with a focus on governance and conflict prevention.
→ International structures.
→ Elaboration of regulatory documents of property regime.
→ Protection and continuity of assets and tax efficiency.
→ Labor litigation and consultancy.
→ Employee reorganizations.
→ Review of benefits plan and internal policies.
→ Advising on contracts for senior executives and expatriates.
→ Advice on projects for the acquisition or sale of equity interests and other assets.
→ Legal audit and analysis of procedures prior to the business.
→ Sales planning for tax efficiency and structuring of the new operation.
→ Creation of investment funds for investment completion.
→ Advice on buying, selling and leasing properties.
→ Real estate developments, condominiums and subdivisions.
→ Verification of antecedent liabilities.
→ Structuring of real estate operations for tax efficiency and equity organization.
→ Consulting and planning.
→ Administrative and judicial litigation at the municipal, state and federal levels.
→ Elaboration of reorganizations focused on tax efficiency.
→ Review of tax procedures and collection of credits.
We are a law firm that intends to welcome the client in all its legal issues; we manage internally and deliver solutions related to business law, such as corporate, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, tax, equity and succession planning, construction, trade agreements, capital market, banking and labor; for matters involving other areas, such as competition, environmental, regulatory, the firm operates in partnership with offices aligned with its work philosophy.
The firm has seven partners with previous experience in the major law firms in Brazil and has the proposal to provide high quality services, in a personalized and close manner, with agile and targeted responses to the solution of the problem.
The firm represents national and foreign clients, active in the most diverse sectors of the economy (industry, trade, services and individuals), such as real estate development and civil construction, education, logistics, automotive, waste management and sanitation, banking and financial services , human resources, startups, energy and natural resources, technology, food, trading, chemistry, health, packing, aeronautic and communication.
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU). São Paulo, Brazil.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo. Admitted in 2019.
Foreign languages: English.
E-mail: bvalenca@andradefoz.com.br
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, postgraduate degree in Economics and Company law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation School of Law – FGVLaw. LL.M. from Columbia University of Nova York, EUA. Advanced Negotiation Course from Harvard Law School, Massachusetts, EUA.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo.
Foreign languages: English and Spanish.
E-mail: cassuncao@andradefoz.com.br
Publications: Co-author of the article “Angel Investments in Brazilian Start-ups – Recent Developments”, published by Recht & Steuern of the Brazil – Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK São Paulo), volume 1, 2018. Co-author of the article “New Incentives for Angel Investments in Brazilian Startups”, published by Recht & Steuern of the Brazil – Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK São Paulo), volume 2, 2017.
Academic Education: Bachelor of laws – University Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Specialization in Corporate Law – Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Specialization in Corporate and Tax Law – Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Professional activities: Member of the Brazilian Bar Association in the State of São Paulo (OAB/SP).
Foreign languages: English and French
E-mail: caveiro@andradefoz.com.br
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, postgraduate degree in Economics and Company law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation School of Law – FGVLaw. Academy of American and International Law, organized by The Center for American and International Law, in Dallas, EUA, 2010.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo.
Foreign languages: English and Spanish.
E-mail: cfoz@andradefoz.com.br
Publications: Co-author of the chapter on Brazil in the publication “Getting the Deal Through” – Real Estate 2009 and 2010.
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo. Specialist in Contractual, Corporate and Bankruptcy Law by Università Degli Studi di Firenze (Italy).
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo.
Foreign languages: English and Italian.
E-mail: dhypolito@andradefoz.com.br
Publications: Co-author of the chapter on Brazil in the publication Getting de Deal Through (2017 to 2019)
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo. Member of the Real Estate Law Debating Bureau (MDDI).
Languages: Portuguese.
E-mail: frandrade@andradefoz.com.br
Publications: Co-author of the chapter on Brazil in the publication “Getting the Deal Through” – Real Estate 2009 and 2010.
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Specialist in Contract Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo.
Foreign languages: English.
E-mail: fdatte@andradefoz.com.br
Academic Education: Law graduation at Law School of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, in luly/2009. Specialization Degree in Labor Corporate Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation School of Law – FGVLaw, in 2010.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo
Foreign languages: English and Spanish
E-mail: foliveira@andradefoz.com.br
Publications: LGPD and Employment Relationships – Portal JOTA (11/30/2018)
The polemic related to the payment of Union’s fees – Blog Fausto Macedo (Política / Estadão) (04/01/2018)
Labor Reform: the new concept of economic group for labor purposes (employer’s responsibilities in corporate transactions) – Portal JOTA (09/29/2017)
Labor Law Fraud – criminal implications – Portal JOTA (10/29/2016)
Fraud against creditors in executions actions and practical effects of Federal Law No. 13,097/2015 (consolidation of acts in Real Estate registries) – Portal
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo. LL.M. by Columbia University, Nova York, EUA.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo. Member of New York Bar.
Foreign languages: English and Spanish.
E-mail: lpadovan@andradefoz.com.br
Publications: “Some Challenges in M&A Post the Brazilian Anti-Bribery Act”, published by Recht & Steuern of the Brazil – Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK São Paulo), volume 4, 2016, and “Brazil Chapter”, published by “Getting the Deal Through – Corporate Governance”, Global Competition Review, 2005 to 2011 editions.
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Mackenzie University.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo.
Foreign languages: English.
E-mail: lfalbo@andradefoz.com.br
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws form Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, postgraduate in Corporate Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation School of Law – FGVLaw.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo.
Foreign languages: Portuguese and English.
E-mail: lserafim@andradefoz.com.br
Academic Education: Bachelor of Law (Juris Doctor – JD) from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in 2007. Postgraduate degree in Constitutional Tax Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP (COGEAE) in 2012. Undergraduate of accounting sciences from Faculdade FIPECAFI.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Distrito Federal and State of São Paulo branches.
Foreign languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.
E-mail: lsouza@andradefoz.com.br
Publications: Co-author of the book “Stock Options e demais Planos de Ações – Questões Tributárias Polêmicas e a Lei nº. 12.973/2014” (Taxation of Stock Options and other related rights) – Publisher Revista dos Tribunais (2015).
Awards: International award “Rising Stars – Americas – 2022” of International Tax Review (ITR), in tax category.
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws form Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, postgraduate in Corporate Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation School of Law – FGVLaw.
Professional activities: Member of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo.
Foreign languages: English.
E-mail: pcacciacarro@andradefoz.com.br
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of São Paulo. Specialist in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo.
Foreign languages: English.
E-mail: pmedicis@andradefoz.com.br
Academic Education: Bachelor of Laws from Presbyterian University Mackenzie. São Paulo, Brazil.
Professional activities: Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Branch in the State of São Paulo.
Foreign languages: English.
E-mail: tzwicker@andradefoz.com.br
Phone: +55 11 3016-5090
E-mail: contato@andradefoz.com.br
Address: Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek, 28, 11º andar
CEP: 04543-000 – São Paulo/SP
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